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Our Services

Child Protection

Child Protection

We have over 45 years of experience working within the child protection system in both the government and non – government sector. Our expertise has been developed working with the most complex and challenging cases in Residential, SILS and Family based services.


We work with all stakeholders to identify, assess, provide intentional supports and strategies to assist carers and young people. We understand the importance of working collaboratively and using the strengths of all stakeholders involved to maximise placement longevity. Our holistic approach of working with young people and carers provides a consistent, thorough service designed for complex placements. We utilise Feedback Informed Treatment with all our participants to ensure our services are intentional and the outcomes are measured.  We also provide reports and regular updates as required.


Often, siblings can be separated in out of home care, and we work together with carers, stakeholders and young people around skill building sessions in adventure therapy that target social skills, regulation, work on reducing sibling conflict and focus on communication and co-operation. 


All activities are delivered using experiential learning. MySUMMIT ABTS supports participants in a safe environment to practice and build upon a range of skills including self-regulation, problem solving, inter-personal and independent living skills which translate back into the participant’s individual and social world.


We provide tailored intervention, assessments and consultation services including but not limited to:


  • Placements support 

  • Sibling support & contact 

  • Outreach support

  • Individual & group day adventures

  • Respite care - in home and Camps



Do you love walking in forests, seeing new places, or want to take on a new adventure that challenges yourself? 


Our experienced team provide a full range of supports to keep you active, social and doing the things you value most. We work together with you and your family to create a tailored support program that meets your needs and funding options. 


Our programs are in line with your Core Support or Capacity building funding which can be tailored to meet your NDIS plan goals. 


  • Individual Support – Community Access

  • Assisting with Social and Community Participation

  • Half or Full day adventures 

  • Respite care - in home and Camps






As industry professionals with over 45 years of experience in the child protection system, we have a proven track record of providing strategic and practical advice on integrated program design, measuring and monitoring meaningful participant outcomes, and working within environments that can be unwieldy and difficult to negotiate.   


Whether it’s a young person, family, or group of young people experiencing difficulties, we will liaise with stakeholders, analyse data and provide effective leadership to identify and plan the way forward through our case consults.


My Summit ABTS can provide a variety of consultative work upon request including but not limited to:


  • Complex case consultations

  • Professional supervision

  • Walk & talk therapy

  • Assessments

  • Investigations and complaints

Copywright 2022 My Summit Adventure Based Therapeutic Solutions.    ABN 24 665 599 299

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